
Super Badass Team-Up, Issue #347 …. DC Brau & Scraped Knee

I got some new pals here in DC,… the uber cool folks over at DC Brau beer. I have started on some interesting projects with them as of late including some mural work down at their brewery and some merch and growler designs.

A couple weeks ago I completed the first small mural on their front door which was originally a design used for a skateboard deck I carved out a while back (with a slight DC update). The mural took about 3 or 4 hours,.. a lot of that waiting for spraypaint or acrylic to dry, but not to worry, I was well hydrated.

(click the cans above for “paint process” slideshow)

I also created a design that is to be used for a new T-shirt and growler design which I just got word is done and will be available for sale today (Saturday, Dec. 8th) during their weekly FREE tour & tasting at the brewery and on their website soon.

I got something big in the works with them for next week…. check back for an update.

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