
ARTSHOW_1: DC Showcase this Saturday night!!!


Hear yeee.. hear yeee.  I am going to be participating in a gallery showcase of DC artists this Saturday (March 28th) called “ArtShow_1” at a spot named in the NE called The Hole in the Sky.  The promoters threw together a slew of different DC-based talent… painters, printmakers, artsy-fartsys for a massive beer-soaked, music blasted extravaganza.  Be sure to check it out…… or be a big loser.

ARTSHOW_1 @ The Hole in the Sky
2110 5th St NE — 2nd Floor
7pm – 11pm

Be sure to check out the event page & see all the artists involved…

A time-lapse video of the poster design by one of the events hosts created by Mike Smith (Red Table Press).  The first 30 people get a FREE print… so come.  I’ll be selling prints & shirts and standing in the corner.

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