
Bandwagon poster show (Savannah) recap…

I just wanted to post some pics of the Bandwagon poster show that took place in Savannah (April 15-17th). This was its inaugural year and was in conjunction with the yearly record show. Overall I’d say good stuff. People were nice… sales were slow at first but picked up, plus it was a great excuse to hang out in Savannah. There was some live screenprinting demos going on and lectures. I didn’t get to take pics of everyones booth but got to meet a bunch of good people…

Band Wagon sign

Shirt press

Poster press

Dis guy
This guy’…

Lou's lineup

Us & Them
The Us & Them duo out of Columbia, SC.

Half & Half
Half & Half crew also reppin’ Columbia, SC.

Two Arms Inc
Two Arms Inc of Brooklyn, NY.

Guy Burwell lineup
Guy Burwell came cross-country from Portland, OR.

Methane Studios lineup
Methane Studios, local lads from Atlanta, GA.

Nate Duval
Nate Duval outta Boston, MA.

Nate's lineup

Thanks to Charlie and crew for putting this together…. looking forward to next year.

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