
Beatles-themed “Within You, Without You” print

As I mentioned before I will be in an art show in Milford, CT (Blank Space Gallery) next week entitled “Every Mistake: Art Inspired by Beatles Lyrics“. Point was to choose a set of lyrics or a song and interpret it however you would like. I decided to choose one of my favs, “Within You Without You“. I’m infatuated with all that Bealtes/India era stuff.

5-color… 18′ x 22’… 50 print run + 50 AP’s.

The show is next Friday (Jan. 20th) and I believe prints will be available at the show and probably eventually through the galleries website but I will put my copies up for sale afterwards probably in 3 weeks. Check back, ..I have a feeling these will go pretty fast. Follow me on Facebook or Twitter, .. as I tend to be able update those quicker.

I never realized that Sonic Youth did a cover of this song. “A” for effort but not quite there. There is an Oasis version too, but screw that.

Sonic Youth – Within You, Without You

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