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Widespread Panic 420 Fest 2019 poster

Widespread Panic headlined this years Sweetwater 420 Fest in Atlanta this past weekend and gave me the nod to work up a poster for the weekend. It just so happened I also created a print for the whole Festival and much like with last years 420 headliner String Cheese, I was lucky to create the Festival print and Headliner print.

Back in Dec. when working on Panic’s New Years shows in Atlanta, we chatted about some how bringing back their iconic “Note Eater” character back into the mix. The original idea was to try and work it into the New Years Eve Countdown but due to timing we ended up scrapping it.

The Note Eater has always been portrayed as a pretty simple logo so immediately I knew I wanted to try and flesh it out for the first time and give it my spin. I also dug the idea of the Note Eater also some how being eaten. The whole thing went through a couple different iterations and poses but ultimately we chose the current layout so that we could work in some more Atlanta references (peach, skyline, etc..).

The final poster is a 6-color screenprint (18″ x 24″), and I will have an Artist Edition (signed/AP) run of 65 available on April 24th @11am (EST).

Along with the regular run, to celebrate the Return of the Note Eater, I also will have available a limited run of different foil variant with some paper Ive never tried before.

Rainbow foil” variant… run of 9 ….SOLD OUT!!!
Galaxy foil” variant… run of 7 ….SOLD OUT!!!
Diskettes foil” variant… run of 8 ….SOLD OUT!!!
Jazzy foil” variant… run of 6 ….SOLD OUT!!!
Oil Slick foil” variant… run of 8 ….SOLD OUT!!!


Sweetwater 420 Fest 2019, poster & Coloring Nook

Another 420 Fest is in the books. I was lucky again to be asked to do the artwork for the Sweetwater 420 Fest, which included pins, posters, shirts and all kinds of merch. Its such a great Festival in the heart of Atlanta. The lineup is always great and there is so much imagery attached to it to play with. Along with the official 420 show print I also did a gigposter for Widespread Panic for the weekend.

Last years poster, was that of the Trout Airship and we decided to give this years a bit of a different vibe. I’ll draw a Sasquatch any chance I can get, so my initial concept was that of a chillin’ Country Squatch on a blanket magically summoning “Bones” the G13 fish but since there already is a Sasquatch Fest and Bigfoot stuff is pretty prevalent these days I altered it to that of a Wookie. This ended up being even better as Widespread Panic was headlining the show and the Wook pop up a lot in their imagery. To mix it up we went with a night time scene and tried out a couple different approaches to layout and borders.

Sweetwater asked me if I wanted to host a Coloring Nook event at the Festival, this time featuring drunken adults as opposed to little kids. Folks had a chance to win “foil variants” of the show print based off crowd reaction to their artwork. I had done this once or twice before at breweries and its always a crapshoot if people will be into it but folks showed up and it ended up being a pretty rad event.

The print had a 500 print run and was skillfully printed by the badass folks at The Half & Half. I will have a Artist Edition (signed/AP) run of 50 available on April 24th @11am (EST).

Along with the regular run I will have a small run of foil variants available. A rainbow foil (run of 14) & a lava foil variant (run of 17)….


Pigeons Playing Ping Pong tour print

This is my first print for Pigeons Playing Ping Pong. I have come across their name on the Festival circuit and have been impressed with their lineup of poster art over the past couple years. This print is for the New England leg of their current Spring tour, stopping in Portland, ME & Burlington, VT.

I will have 40 AE (Artist Edition) copies available as well as 15 Rainbow foil & 15 Silver mirror foil variants. Great print job by Henry & Co.
