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Widespread Panic Arkansas 2016 print – Lady Columbia


Hear Ye.. hear ye,… constant road warriors, Widespread Panic are on tour and stopping in Rogers, Arkansas on June 17th, and with that comes another poster.


The concept for this piece was the under represented but not forgotten, Lady Columbia (aka. Goddess Columbia, Miss Columbia, etc..) who is the cultural little sister to the iconic American patriot, Uncle Sam. Columbia who is often confused with Lady Liberty, is the female personification of the United States of America while Lady Liberty, though similar is more the representation of the ideals and what we hope America represents.




The 6-color poster is 18′ x 24′ and has a print run of 275. I will have a run of about 50 Artist Edition prints (signed/numbered) available on Monday, June 20th (PST) @ 11AM (PST).

Those interested in participating in THE COLORING NOOK, B&W’s are available.



Jerry Garcia & Merl Saunder – Jerry Live vol. 6 print


I recently got asked by the Jerry Garcia Estate to create a limited screen printed poster for the upcoming new album release, Garcialive Volume 6: July 5, 1973 Lion’s Share” featuring long time Jerry collaborator, Merl Saunders. The Garcia Estate has done top notch posters for each GarciaLive release and I was stoked to get the call as I grew up listening to the Dead and have a special affinity for some of the old “Garcia & Saunders” albums (Live from Keystone, Blues from the Rainforest, etc..).




The only real instructions were that the poster have an old school 70’s vibe and that both Garcia & Saunders get equal weight and billing on the design. After a couple different concepts I decided to go w/ the “lion” theme not only based off of the name of the venue but because the lion has always been a symbol that has popped up in Garcia-Lore. Plus the mane has a very Jerry-beard like quality and I like getting lost drawing hair.


The 5-color poster is 18′ x 24′ and has a print run of 500, all signed & numbered. They are currently available for pre-sale along w/ the album & a shirt at Jerrygarcia.com & will be release on June 24th.

I will have a smaller run of “Artist copies” at a later date. Be sure to check back….



LineworkNW & Goodfoot show… PDX


I am headed up to Portland, OR this week for a much needed break and a nice road-trip up the Coast. On Saturday May 21st, I will be at the LINEWORK NW Illustration Festival at Norse Hall, tabling with some prints, shirts & art prints. Some great artists will be setup there so be sure to check it out. Here is a brief interview I did with them.


That same night I will be having a solo opening at the GOODFOOT LOUNGE & GALLERY, showcasing 70+ posters of my work. The show will be up for a month and prints will be available to purchase at the gallery.



