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Pigeons Playing Ping Pong Domefest 2021 poster

Its felt like forever since we’ve all been able to enjoy live music but this past month has shown glimmers of hope. A number of tours have begun being announced and with that comes the Return of Gigposters. Im happy to show off my first gigposter in a while,… done for Pigeons Playing Ping Pong‘s big Domefest music festival.

Along with the regular edition I will have a small run of different variants…

Rainbow foil variant (Artist Edition… run of 20, S/N)

“Lava foil” variant (Run of 10, S/N)

“Swirl foil” variant (Run of 9, S/N)

“Pink” variant (Run of 5, S/N)

All Artist Edition “PPPP Domefest 2021” prints (18″ x 24″) will be available May 26th (Weds.) @ Noon (EST) & shipped June 14th


Sweetwater 420 print release

As we enter the Summer season the COVID virus still appears to be stifling the live music with most big festivals still cancelled or postponed. Sweetwater Brewing had to hold of on their huge 420 Fest again this year but instead chose to do a smaller more controlled event at the brewery in Atlanta, GA. To celebrate they reached out to see if we could created a small set of 420 related art prints & T-shirts.

The print is a 6-color screenprint (12′ x 12′). The brewery received a run of 50 available through their merch and I will be selling my Artist edition run of 20. Along with the signed/numbered run I will make available a number of special variants including a Rainbow foil variant (Edition of 20) & a “Grapelicious” variant (Edition of 10).

T-shirt are available at the Brewery.


“Beach Rat” art print release

Attention all you salt-water huffers, I am releasing a new art print, “Beach Rat” with colors so bright they will make your eyes bleed. Living in Atlanta is the farthest I have been from the Ocean so I have been thinking about the beach a lot lately. I miss me some waves!!!

Along with the original I created a color variant in honor of my printer Brandon‘s (of Backside Press) sweet 90’s-style Billabong jacket… entitled “Brandon’s Billabong“.

I had to throw in a couple foils into the mix as I know you collector folks like your foils.

All prints are 16″ x 16″, 4-color screenprints. The regular edition has a print run of 40 & 15 foils. The “Brandon’s Billabong” variant has a print run of 20 & 5 foils.
