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TRPS Rock Poster Festival 2013… this weekend!!!

The TRPS (The Rock Poster Society) big annual poster event is going on this weekend in Golden Gate Park. I was gone on the East Coast the last couple years but am glad to be back in the Bay so I can continue making this an annual event for myself. It is an awesome mix of old-school, classic psychedelic posters and new school stuff with a ton of amazing artists showcasing their stuff.

Artists & Ven­dors Lineup

Alexan­dra Fis­cher
Amaz­ing Adven­tures – Sal Dicheira
Car­olyn Fer­ris
Casey Castille
Chris Shaw
Chuck Sperry
Classicposters.com – Mike Stor­eim
Cliff Yamasaki
Dave Hunter
David Singer
Den­nis Loren
EMEK of Emek­Stu­dios
Eric King
Frank Bella
Gary Hous­ton
Jason Austin
John Seabury
Josh Bem­pechat
Kris Mikkel­son
Lee Con­klin
Matt Leu­nig
Marq Spusta
Paul Getchell
Paul Imag­ine
Perry Pfef­fer
Randy Tuten
Santi Pozzi
SecretSerpents.comAlan Forbes, Junko Mizuno, Justin McNeal
Shane Edward Grogg
Sher­wood Don­ahue
Stan­ley Mouse
Vic­tor Moscoso
Wes Wil­son

The event is Saturday, Oct. 19th from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m at the Hall of Flowers near the 9th & Lincoln entrance to Golden Gate Park.

For more information on the event (price, time, location, etc..) check out the TRPS website

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Show was awesome. Surrounded by the masters… Victor Mosscoso, Wes Wilson, Stanley Mouse, Lee Conklin, etc. Nice group shot below in which new school meets old school….


Widespread Panic Milwaukee 2013 print… the RETURN!!!

This past weekend was the big 3-day Widespread Panic show in Milwaukee and I had the privilege of being asked to do a print for it. The last time I did a Panic Milwaukee print was waaaaay back in 2008,… back when Sarah Palin made the scene, Britney Spears had a shaved head and Breaking Bad was just a rookie.

Like last time, the show fell on the local Oktoberfest in the most beer-friendly city in America so it was only natural to go for the old beer label look when designing the print. I looked at a bunch of old classic beer ads and packaging from the 1920’s & 30’s,.. and of course had to include the Badger reference. It isn’t as trippy or cosmic as I would usually do but for this stop it made sense…. something taste good, feel good.

    Early Concepts

THe print is a 5-color print, 18’x 24′ with a print run of 620. All copies were pretty much SOLD OUT each night of the show and I will be selling a limited run of AP’s (Artist Prints).


Crafty Bastard 2013… this weekend, DC!!!!!

Crafty Bastard is back again this weekend and now it will be a 2-day affair. The premiere Washington DC craft fair put on by the Washington City Paper for some reason is always very kind to me every year and to other friends that come from well outta’ town for it.

I will be making the trek back to DC… my triumphant return, after having moved from there 3 weeks ago, and will be bringing with me some new prints including the new Yeah Yeah Yeahs. I should have most prints/shirts but do let me know if you have any requests for specific prints….

The event is Saturday, Sept. 28 and Sunday Sept. 29 from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. outdoors on the Union Market parking lot. Day passes can be purchased advance for $5.

    For more information check out the following:

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