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Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Brooklyn print this week!!!!

It has been a couple years since I last worked with the Yeah Yeah Yeahs but I pleased to get the call to work on a print for their big show this week at the Barclay Center in Brooklyn. They just released their latest album Mosquito and wanted to continue to riff on the insect theme for the visuals for this print. I tested a couple different concepts of mosquitos attacking New York but kept going back to the mosquito atop the Empire State Building as a strong image, literally feeding on the life blood of the city.

    Early Concepts

Prints are currently available below. I did print a few “B&W” copies for those ordering w/ kids. These are for those interested in participating in the Coloring Nook. Please read over the rules of the Nook before requesting a B&W copy.  Basically these are for the little folk and only take one if you will be coloring and photographing it. Not for flippers.

It is 5-color print, 18’x 24′. The total print run available at the shows was 200, and I only have a limited AP (Artist Print) run available of 60.


More SummerCamp Music Festival 2013!!!!

A couple months back I did the artwork for Moe’s Summer Camp Music Festival which was used for the poster, T-shirt and a slew of other branding around the Fest.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to attend but was sent some images from some kind people who did.


“1986” remixes… thus far.

I looove all the “1986” remixes people have been sending my way. Here are the ones I have seen thus far. Totally rad.

I will have to add a separate page for all these once I finish with the new site. Keep em coming… send links or gifs to Scraped Knee

From Fernando Alfonso (Daily Dot)

From “Unknown”

From Hero of Hyrule

From “Unknown”

From “Unknown”

From “Unknown”

From “Guidoo.R”

Some folks have gotten really creative with it…

From “El Jaguaro”

And now it apparently has become a horror meme…

From “Unknown”

From “Unknown”

From “Unknown”

From “Unknown”

