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Eric Church (Tupelo, MS) print up for sale…

A couple weeks ago I wrapped up a 2nd print for the current Eric Church tour. The show was last night, so I’m able to start pushing it. Taaadaaa. It was pretty cool to be apart of this series of prints. There are a lot of great artists attached and some really great prints. We’ll see… maybe another one will be on the horizon. Like the previous, this is a 4-color print.

Tupelo is the birthplace of Elvis and definitely loves to let everyone know that so I wanted to throw in some reference to that including the TCB (Takin’ Care of Business) krew. I also loved the idea of a post-bar fight image but didn’t want to go all out w/ broken glass, bodies everywhere, beer bottles. Subtlety my friend. An inferred story line. Below is the black & white for this piece.

Prints are available in the store.


“Bob & Bruce” print now available in poster store…

Print now up in the poster store.


Bob Weir & Bruce Hornsby @ The Fox Theater…. BAAAMM!!!

I’ve been busy working on some new projects this week when I got asked to do a print for the “Bob Weir & Bruce Hornsby” 2-night show at the Fox Theater in Oakland, part of their Alone & Together tour. It was a pretty crazy turnaround time to finish it in but I happily excepted it… I mean, come on… it’s the Dead. How do you turn that stuff away?

Anyways, I was lucky that my buddy Mauz and Monolith Press in Alameda was available and helped me print these up. Due to the timing these are not signed & numbered.. so Boo Hoo all you collectors.

The piece started off a little different w/ a terrapin, and the bear was to be just was regular California Brown bear, no instruments kinda just sitting there chillin’.

Would I have changed or added anything if I had the time? Yeh probably… but I was happy to see I could crank something out that didn’t feel rushed or like I was taking shortcuts. I tend to overthink stuff and waste a lot of time so this was nice to just push through all that and work on first instinct.

Update –  This is now available in the store
