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BandWagon 2012 recap…

The BandWagon show was a blast!!! Props to SCAD & BFG for pulling off a successful upgrade from last years show. It was in a new building and a slew of really interesting people showed up. The after party involved shrimps, drinking beer in the rainy streets and doom metal that I’ll leave for another day. I love Savannah and was happy to go back for a weekend.  This isn’t the most comprehensive recap but here are some pics & peeps from the show…

The curse of crappy weather struck for the 2nd BandWagon in a row as Saturday was pretty dreary. Large paper and water do not mix well but Sunday lived up to its name flooding the spot w/ rays and peoples.

Here is a view of floor with all the vinyl pushers. I purposefully kept away because starting to collect anything new is the last thing I need. Too much temptation.

Here was my setup during one of the few moments I was able to sneak away from it.

Martin of Cannonball Press moving and collecting paper.

Mike Davis of Burlesque of North America came down from Minnesota to show everyone how its done.

Design guru and all-around nice guy, Aaron Draplin of Draplin Design Co. was showing off his new Georgia print as well as his stash of Field Notes.

The folks of Bandito Design were in from Ohio and had a slew of sweet prints on display.  Good peoples.

Here is Scott from Standard Deluxe hiding behind his table. The boys from Waverly were next to my booth and ended up being the nicest guys in the biz, plus I snagged a bigfoot shirt from them… which is always a positive.

It was cool to get some hang time in with Anna & Sei Rey of Us & Them before they moved up to Brooklyn and get corrupted and go gangsta’.

Since moving to the East coast Half & Half. has been doing most of my printing for me so it was good to get a chance to talk shop and hang for a while. There were some weird hydraulic space dentist chairs lying around which Nick took full advantage of.

Nick’s better half Shannon held shop for a while.

The Soda Shope was setup on the other side of me and had recently opened up a new store in Savannah. They had a bunch of cool things going on including doing a live demonstration of making letterpress coasters. Cool folks.

The fine fellows of Ink Floyd representing.

Some bear…


BandWagon Poster show this weekend in Savannah…

Art by Morning Breath Inc

Art by Methane Studios

I’ll be taking the trek down to Savannah this weekend for the 2nd Annual BandWagon Poster Show. It is associated with the school down there, SCAD (Savannah College of Art & Design) and will also have a vinyl show accompanying it. I did the show last year which you can read about here, and had a great time. It looks like they stepped it up this year and got a good spread of artists and print houses involved that includes:

Aesthetic Apparatus
Draplin Design
Methane Studio
Us & Them
The Half & Half
Henry & Company
Two Arms
Bandito Design
Halftone Def
Burlesque Design
Morning Breath
Subject Matter
Cannonball Press
Foxy Loxy
& myself

If you are in the area (or not) come on down, say “Hi”. I will post pics when I return but in the meantime, check my Twitter this weekend for up to date info and possible free prints for those at the show. Also, be sure to check out the official BandWagon twitter account as they will be live tweeting.

For more info on the show (location, events, etc..) check out http://attendbandwagon.com/


“Within You, Without You” Beatles prints now available in store…

Within You, Without You” Beatles-themed art prints from the “Every MistakeBlank Space Gallery Art show are now available in the store. Prints are running out so, grab em’ while you can (5-color… 18′ x 22′).

Props to my peoples over at Half & Half for doing such a good job on printing these.
