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A couple months ago I designed a skateboard deck for a “Sk8 or Die: V” art show at the Youngblood Gallery in Atlanta. It recently was donated to Skater Aid, a charity started to help a young skateboarder Ian Wochatz who was diagnosed with brain cancer. After his passing it became a charity to help pediatric cancer and brain tumor research in minors. This year they are doing an online auction of designed decks with all proceeds going to Skater Aid.

So anyone interested in the “Wizard” deck,… it’s all yours. Bidding ends Sept. 24th. Check it out here along with the other decks here.

The auction will wrap up with a gallery show showing all the decks at the Brickstore Pub in Decatur, GA.

Skateboard.Art.Music Festival
Sunday, Sept. 25, 2-7pm
East Decatur Station
109 New Street, Decatur, GA


The cleansing fire…

My trip out to the Bay Area has been an exciting one to say the least. The first 4 nights back in San Francisco, I hit up a show every night… (Soundgarden, Earth, Mammatus & Dolly Parton). Good mix.

The 5th day wasn’t as fun. While I was in the city my folks aprt. was involved in a fire that started at a neighbors place and got destroyed along with 8 other units. Thankfully no one got hurt but it ate up anything in its path. Unfortunately this included all me & my girlfriends travel stuff.. clothes, laptops, original artwork and painfully my sketchbook that held 5 years of concepts, original ink drawings and just work in general. Sucks.

Oh well… back to the drawing board.


“Buffalo shirt”…

Bad timing,.. as the store is currently closed but I am just releasing the new “Buffalo” shirt. There are all sizes for Men & Women.

These will be available when the store opens up again in August…. so keep it in mind.
