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The cleansing fire…

My trip out to the Bay Area has been an exciting one to say the least. The first 4 nights back in San Francisco, I hit up a show every night… (Soundgarden, Earth, Mammatus & Dolly Parton). Good mix.

The 5th day wasn’t as fun. While I was in the city my folks aprt. was involved in a fire that started at a neighbors place and got destroyed along with 8 other units. Thankfully no one got hurt but it ate up anything in its path. Unfortunately this included all me & my girlfriends travel stuff.. clothes, laptops, original artwork and painfully my sketchbook that held 5 years of concepts, original ink drawings and just work in general. Sucks.

Oh well… back to the drawing board.


“Buffalo shirt”…

Bad timing,.. as the store is currently closed but I am just releasing the new “Buffalo” shirt. There are all sizes for Men & Women.

These will be available when the store opens up again in August…. so keep it in mind.


The Black Keys Ottawa Bluesfest print..

I am happy to announce my first Black Keys poster. I’ve been wanting to do something for these guys for a while. This is for the Ottawa Bluesfest tonight up in Ontario. Great lineup. I wanted to do something different than what has been coming out of the Keys camp this tour, so worked with them and came up with this.  This is a 4-color screenprint… 18 x 24’… run of 130.

This is available in the store.