
Bollywood prints..


One of the things i wanted to do while in India was track down some old Bollywood movie posters. In Haus Kauz Village there are 2 or 3 shops that will hook you up. These places are small but packed to the brim with posters/movie memorabilia/trinkets.  We found one in a back alley and the place was overflowing with cool stuff.  I forget the name of the store but the owner was a nice guy… knew a lot about Bollywood cinema.


More Clutter

An original mini-billboard that had the images cut n’ pasted on and was painted by hand.Flute

Rummaging through printsRummaging through prints

The Owner workin’ it to make a sale.The Owner and poster pimp himself

Piles and piles of PRINTS!!!!Posters

Posters, Posters

Posters, Posters,Posters

Classy ad for Indian cigarettes.Classy ad for Indian cigarettes.

Pretty sweet packaging for plastic rickshaw light covers (click on image for detailed pic)

No idea but rad imagery.Snake Head
Here are some individual posters I finally ended up buying after whittling my pile down over 45 minutes..click on the poster for detailed pic:

APRADHI (1974)

FAULADI MUKKA (1985) (??)

FARAAR (1975)

I gotta stop spending money over here… India art making me broke

3 Comments on “Bollywood prints..

  1.  by  Ziad

    Did you loose massive amounts of weight? You should of bought the double cobra spout.

  2.  by  karen

    I just wanted to know how much did you pay for the posters? BTW they are in suberb condition!

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