
How to Participate


KindofPic copy
We are looking for all kinds of pictures including photographs of the finished product as well as pics of the poster inprogress. The goal is to have fun with it and don’t worry about how professional everything looks. That being said we prefer larger images in resolution so that we can present them as best we can on the website. Small pixelated images probably wont be used; the same goes for photos that are too dark.

Feel free to submit as many as you want. We don’t want to bombard the site with too many of the same image, so we may just use a couple. Also, we may crop the image to better fit the page layout.

If you submit a picture that includes your kid or niece/nephew please make sure that you are comfortable with the fact that it will be posted on this site.

Also, feel free to send the following information via email so that we can label it properly:

Name: (Last name optional)
City: (optional)

Remember, this isn’t a contest! It is meant to be fun.

Get creative with your pics!!!!!!


Submit copy

Email photos to me at:



Or add them by clicking on & then dragging them to this folder:

