
Eric Church Milwaukee triptych posters

I was recently asked to do a set of posters for country singer, Eric Church‘s weekend set of shows in Milwaukee, WI. It had been a couple years since my last Church poster but I happily agreed and was stoked to see they were doing something different this tour by having a “triptych” set of 3 posters for each city stop.

This would be my 15th poster for the band and over the years they have amassed quite the catalog of designs making coming up with a new original concept difficult. Milwaukee is known for many things including their wildlife, but what sticks out the most is their history w/ beer. I took inspiration from the series of nature-based bar mirrors that “Old Milwaukee” beer had released years ago and wanted to try give them an edgy spin.

I have 35 Artist copies of each print I will make available as well as 15 rare “Silver mirror foilvariants for each. To allow folks to try and purchase them as a set I will split the inventory into 15 sets and 20 individual prints. For the foils,.. I will have 7 sets and 8 individual prints

1 Comments on “Eric Church Milwaukee triptych posters

  1.  by  Jeremy

    Hello and good afternoon, I would be interested in purchase all three of the Eric Church Milwaukee triptych posters. Could you please let me know the total price of these and also, if the prints are original or reprints of the original product? Thank you in advance! Jeremy

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