
Gallery 1988’s “The Humorist” Woody Allen – tribute show..

Tonight is the opening of Gallery 1988‘s Woody Allen tribute show entitled, The Humorist in Venice Beach which will feature a piece I created entitled “Bananas“. There were so many good Woody Allen flicks to choose from…. Sleepers, Annie Hall, Everything you Wanted to know about Sex, etc… but Bananas is my favorite. It’s an awesome movie and quintessential Woody Allen film.

The print is 16′ x 20′ (3-color… 75 print run) and will be available tonight at the opening in Venice Beach and eventually on their website. Unfortunately I don’t know if copies will make my store. Sad weepy story. The gallery received half the run and I got half. FedEx left the box of prints on my doorstep but never checked to see if anyone was home so they sat there unbeknownst to me until someone else in the neighborhood decided to take it for themselves. They were kind enough to leave the outer box and packaging paper all over my stair. Whoever it was probably thought it was a flatscreen or TV monitor then when opening it probably tossed it on the side of the road somewhere. So yeh… hopefully a couple spare copies will float back to me but as of right now this might only be available through Gallery 1988.

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