
My Morning Jacket “Summer in NYC” Tour print..

MMJ NYC 2015

This is my last My Morning Jacket poster for their current tour and what a show to do. New York City baby!!!! You may be asking… “What’s w/ the beach for a poster in the middle of the dead of Winter?” Well, the band is playing 4-nights and each night is to represent a different Season,.. I was given “Summer”.


Summer in NYC brings forth a lot of sweaty images… spraying fire hydrants… rainbows over skylines… but my favorite part is the beach. I am from Long Beach, NY and would have loved to give a nod to my hometown but Coney Island is just so much more iconic with its amusement park, sideshow atmosphere and of course the Mermaids.


I will also have a limited amount of B&W’s available for those interested in participating in THE COLORING NOOK. Please visit the website to understand the rules before requesting one.

The final poster is a 5-color, (18’x 24′) and was printed by Monolith Press. The band has a print run of 208 which will be available at the show. I will have a run 50 Signed/Numbered Artist prints for sale on (Mon) November 30th @ 11AM (PST).



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