
New poster for Widespread Panic’s return to DC for Fall Tour 2016


Widespread Panic kicked off their tour this week starting at the Warner Theater for 2-days of shows in Washington DC. I lived in Washington DC for a bit and for an artist the area has such a rich culture of imagery and history that you can pull from and was happy to get the call for these specific dates.

From my front door I could see the Capitol Building daily and have always wanted to work it into a poster one way or another. I thought the concept of a birdcage in the shape of the Capitol with a woman swinging inside it would be interesting as would somehow incorporating DC’s state flower, American Beauty Rose & state bird, the Wood Thrush. Eventually the kind of generic old-timey woman in the cage took on the form of the actual statue adorning the top of the Capitol, the Freedom Statue which itself has a very interesting history & symbolism.




This 6-color print is 18′ x 24 with a print run of 350 and I will have a small run of Signed/Numbered Artist Prints (signed/AP) available on Friday, September 9th @ 11AM (PST).


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