
Peach, Love & Happiness release, Sweetwater Brewing

I recently teamed up with Atlanta brewery, Sweetwater Brewing, and did the packaging art for a new seasonal beer of theirs Peach, Love & Happiness. The beer is a pretty tasty berlinerweisse (4.7% ALC) and hits stores this week in bottles/cans.

Early on the idea was to rework the artwork I did for Sweetwater for their big 420 Fest last year featuring the giant Trout Airship. The Trout is kind of Sweetwater’s spirit animal and company logo so starting with that was a no brainer. Along with this we brought back some flying peach planes also featured on the original 420 design. Another change was the ATL city skyline was removed for a larger country landscape which gave the whole thing more of a Spring-time vibe.

When doing packaging gigs its always great if a client gives you props on a label by adding who did the artwork or fitting in your website in there some how, but Sweetwater went all out and added my bio & a pic of my pretty face on the bottom of the box.

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