
SF Opera “Summer of Love” posters…

I am pleased to announce I will be releasing a set of limited art prints featuring my work with the SFOpera’s “Summer of Love” campaign. The artwork which is currently being used and promoted around San Francisco has been well received and creating a limited screenprinted version was a must, though no easy task.

The original art wasn’t necessarily created with a screenprint in mind and features numerous colors and gradients. Deconstructing the art and simplifying it to a limited color scheme was quite tricky but with the help of print shop, The Half & Half we got it done and the prints came out vibrant and powerful.

Each print is 18’x 24′ and has a print run of 100. 75 of each to the Opera, & I will be selling my limited set of 25 copies. They will be sold individually and as a set…

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