
Yonder Cities IPA return. The “Space Pirate” is back.

A couple years ago I was asked by DC Brau & Union Craft Brewing to create a pair of beer can designs for a collab beer named Yonder Cities. Each brewery had their own can which featured reversible artwork which also happened to be blacklight which were badass!!! The DC Brau can was known as […]


DC Brau – “Keep On Chuggin'” T-shirt – 2019

R. Crumb inspired T-shirt design for DC Brau Brewery,… “Keep On Chuggin“.


16oz Canvas – Art of Craft Beer podcast interview…

I recently did an interview with The 16oz Canvas (Art of Craft beer) podcast in which we chatted about my path breaking into the world of gigposters, what makes a good beer label and “Dad-Life”. We also touched on my work with DC Brau & the backstory behind the impetus for the super rad blacklight […]


DC Brau / Union – “Yonder Cities” – Packaging – 2017

I recently teamed up with the fine folks at DC Brau (Washington DC) & Union Craft Brewing (Baltimore, MD) to create the artwork for their new collaborative beer, YONDER CITIES. It was first brewed 5 years ago but with the 6th Anniversary of DC Brau this week as well as the Craft Beer Conference 2017 […]


“YONDER CITIES” art prints..

To commemorate the release of the new YONDER CITIES cans by DC Brau & Union Craft Brewing I created a limited-edition run of “Space Jester” & “Space Captain” art prints (18′ x 24″). Just like the the cans, they are blacklight-responsive and features invertible artwork. A total of 50 signed/numbered copies of each print were […]


“Yonder Cities” – art prints – 2017

“YONDER CITIES” .. (DC Brau / Union Craft Brewing) collab art prints The “Space Jester” & the “Space Captain” 18′ x 24… 30 print run, Signed/Numbered Artist Edition. Blacklight responsive, invertible art. $30 per print….. $50 for the set


“Yonder Cities” DC Brau / Union Craft Brewing

I recently teamed up with the fine folks at DC Brau (Washington DC) & Union Craft Brewing (Baltimore, MD) to create the artwork for their new collaborative beer, YONDER CITIES. It was first brewed 5 years ago but with the 6th Anniversary of DC Brau this week as well as the Craft Beer Conference 2017 […]


DC Brau – “Occult Hopceity” T-shirt – 2016

To celebrate another year of doing the big Crafty Bastards Arts & Craft Fair event in DC and an awesome long standing relationship with DC Brau Brewing I released a new collab T-shirt entitled “Occult Hopciety“ exploring the more occult/secret society side of our Nation’s Capitol. FRONT The shirt was available in a few different […]


Slew of new goods in the store… hoodies, sticker packs, art prints.

I recently added a slew of new items in the store today including 3 new art prints that I only had available at live events. This includes the “Wizard Beard” & “Dia de los Muertos” mini-prints as well as the limited “Airship of Fools” art print done a couple months ago. Along with restocking a […]


Crafty Bastards 2016 … New DC Brau collab shirt, “Occult Hopciety”

To celebrate another year of doing the big Crafty Bastards Arts & Craft Fair event in DC and an awesome long standing relationship with DC Brau Brewing I will be releasing a new collab T-shirt entitled “Occult Hopciety“. The design explores the more occult/secret society side of our Nation’s Capitol… so grab a shirt and […]
