
DC Brau – “Keep On Chuggin'” T-shirt – 2019

R. Crumb inspired T-shirt design for DC Brau Brewery,… “Keep On Chuggin“.


Scraped Knee – “10th Anniversary” T-shirt – 2016

1-color shirt to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Scraped Knee. That’s right…. 10 years baby!!!!!!! FRONT


DC Brau – “Occult Hopceity” T-shirt – 2016

To celebrate another year of doing the big Crafty Bastards Arts & Craft Fair event in DC and an awesome long standing relationship with DC Brau Brewing I released a new collab T-shirt entitled “Occult Hopciety“ exploring the more occult/secret society side of our Nation’s Capitol. FRONT The shirt was available in a few different […]


DC Brau – “5th Anniversary” merchandise / branding – 2016

I have done a lot of work for the folks at DC Brau Brewery over the years and was psyched to be apart of their big 5th year Anniversary extravaganza. To celebrate they setup and epic metal concert in their parking lot and gave me the opportunity to help brand the event with screenprinted concert […]


Jerry Garcia – “Garcia Live vol. 6” record release Merch – 2016

Shirt commissioned by the Jerry Garcia Estate for the release of “Garcia Live vol. 6 – Jerry Garcia & Merl Saunders (Lions Share, 1973)“. Album was packaged with a limited screenprinted poster & shirt. Read more about the process here. FRONT BACK


Scraped Knee 10th Anniversary / Holiday Sale….

Hello everybody. Today I am happy to announce that this year Scraped Knee turns 10 years old!!!!. That is 10 years of posters… 10 years of late nights, making coffee… 10 years of trying to get every last drop out of an ink pen…. 10 years of creating our own journey, running our own business… […]


5 New shirt designs….

I have teamed up w/ Bumperactive to release a slew of new T-shirt designs including the “1986” & “Cosmic Wizard” designs which people have been asking about for shirts. You speak… I LISTEN!!!!!!!!! These shirts are not available in my store but rather I have a separate store w/ BUMPERACTIVE setup for these designs…. get […]


Jerry Garcia & Merl Saunder – Jerry Live vol. 6 print

I recently got asked by the Jerry Garcia Estate to create a limited screen printed poster for the upcoming new album release, “Garcialive Volume 6: July 5, 1973 Lion’s Share” featuring long time Jerry collaborator, Merl Saunders. The Garcia Estate has done top notch posters for each GarciaLive release and I was stoked to get […]


DC Brau “Cats Down Under the DC Stars” collaboration T-shirt…

This weekend kickass brewery and all around good folk DC Brau will be releasing a limited run of T-shirts we collaborated on entitled “Cats Down Under the DC Stars“. They will available at the weekly Saturday tasting/tour at the brewery in DC starting this weekend and all net proceeds will go to help out the […]


Little Hurricane – Tour Merch, – 2014

Little Hurricane Tour Shirt, 2014
