
DC Brau “Keep it Honest” Lincoln shirt…

Just in time for President’s Day, a new “Keep it Honest” DC Brau shirt will be available tomorrow (Sat. Feb. 16) at the brewery’s free tour n’ tasting. It’s a slick 3-color shirt… Hard Drinkin’ Lincoln!!!! FRONT BACK


DC Brau – Various Merchandise, – 2012

Collaboration T-shirt with DC Brau Brewery to celebrate President’s Day. FRONT BACK Based off of design used for a mural in the brewery. Neil Fallon rocking it on tour w/ Clutch.


Super Badass Team-Up, Issue #347 …. DC Brau & Scraped Knee

I got some new pals here in DC,… the uber cool folks over at DC Brau beer. I have started on some interesting projects with them as of late including some mural work down at their brewery and some merch and growler designs. A couple weeks ago I completed the first small mural on their […]


Further – Florida & Summer Tour T-shirts, – 2011

FURTHUR T-shirt Shirt created for the Florida stop of the 2011 Summer Tour Only a couple left, size M and XL.
