
The Atlanta Rock Poster Show 2020

I am proud to announce that next week will be the inaugural ATLANTA ROCK POSTER SHOW sponsored by TRPS (The Rock Poster Society). I have been able to work with them the last couple months to help bring a proper gigposter event here and found the perfect venue and partner in Sweetwater Brewery. TRPS has thrown their huge “Festival of Rock Posters” in San Francisco for 20+ years and it was a big part of my live becoming a poster artist when living out there. I still make it back for the show every year but since moving to Atlanta 2 years ago really missed having something local.

One of the cool things about throwing a show on this side of the coast is that a whole slew of new Artists are involved who usually can’t make the trek cross-country. We were fortunate to get a truly killer lineup on board for this first show and are calling ourselves “The Dirty Dozen”

Jeff Wood (aka. Zen Mystic)…. (Athens, GA)
James Flames …. (Asheville, NC)
Caleb Williamson …. (Savannah, GA)
Derek Perez (aka. Peregon Creative)…. (Atlanta, GA)
Luke Martin (aka. Suburban Avenger)…. (Baltimore, MD)
Matt Leunig (aka. Scraped Knee)…. (Atlanta, GA)
Nate Duval …. (Longmeadow, MA)
JT Lucchesi…. (North Carolina)
Tom Shaw…. (Wilmington, NC)
Owen Murphy (aka. One Drop Design Studios) …. (Baltimore, MD)
The Half & Half …. (Columbia, SC)
Nathaniel Dias …. (Miami, FL)

Sweetwater Brewery will be hosting the show during their big 23rd Anniversary Throwdown which will feature live music and a shit ton of good beer. Click below on the flier for more info and for tickets.

“Dirty Dozen” portraits & banner by Derek Perez.

1 Comments on “The Atlanta Rock Poster Show 2020

  1.  by  Loretta Baraona

    Hi Matt Just wanted to let you know I got my pin…love it! I was glad I was able to attend first Atlanta show!
    Looking forward to future shows. It seemed to run very smoothly. Hope you & your family are doing well during these crazy times…Loretta

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