
The Coloring Nook!!!


With future poster releases I will be creating limited B&W versions with the intent of including them into orders of those w/ kids to color. All I ask in return is that those who receive one send a picture of the final colored product I can post in the “COLORING NOOK, which is an album on my Scraped Knee Facebook page.

I know collectors and eBay’ers love variants but this is NOT FOR COLLECTORS,.. IT IS FOR KIDS!!! I’m just testing this idea so please do not abuse it.

The first release will be with the Widespread Panic (Vienna VA) print releasing tomorrow in which I have only printed 15.  The first 15 to contact me (art@scrapedknee.com) after their order tomorrow will receive 1 print.

To try and make sure these go to the right people (kids) those who do not send back a photo of their child’s super duper creation or if these pop up somewhere else being resold, I will put a hex on you and you will not be eligible again and insulted by many a person.

Man I hate rules…. click below to head to the NOOK page.


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