
The Coloring Nook is up and running.


About a year or 2 ago I began printing a limited amount of B&W copies of some of my posters and offering them to those with kids as a way for parents to include them and share in their passion of poster art. The idea was kids could colorful these prints and share photos of their creations. With each new B&W poster I began to receive more and more amazing pictures and began posting them on Facebook, calling the page The Coloring Nook. As the images came in and the page grew I realized that The Coloring Nook needed a proper home and now it has one,.. with a proper gallery, Nook rules on receiving a print and submission info.


I do not print a lot of B&W’s so I try to stress that this is for kids and not eBay-savy collectors and also if you request one that you do plan to actually color it and hopefully send a photo in.

Widespread Panic - VA 2012 & BW

Not every print will have a B&W version in the future as some imagery doesn’t necessarily translate to kids well but previous prints are still available. Feel free to check out the new site for more information. I look forward to seeing all the awesome submissions in the future.

Teagen Stetson (Age 5) - Widespread Panic  Boston, MA - 2014


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