
Trinkin 2nd Anniversary Party & Screens n’ Suds Art Sale

"BeerMonger" Screens n' Suds print

While living on the East Coast I was able to take part in a slew of events down in Richmond, VA put together by the folks at Screens n’ Suds that combined 2 of my favorite past times… beer & screenprinting. 2 past times that often happened simultaneously. Their events showcased the works of craft & microbreweries and screenprint artists and were charity events for the MS Society. Since moving I haven’t been able to work with them much but this past weekend they held along with Trinkin, an Anniversary party & Art sale at Gallery5 in RVA. Music was heard, beer was drunk and art was auctioned.

Screens n' Suds "BeerMonger" Shirt

I was approached about using a design of “The BeerMonger” I had made for a previous event years ago as the commemorative shirt for this years show. Shirts were printed up by Triple Stamp Press and might still be available if you contact the folks at Screens n’ Suds.

Screens n' Suds shirt close up

Also local studio BigSecret created a sweet looking one-off wood etching that was to be auctioned off.

"BeerMonger" wood etching

For those interested in the the original “BeerMonger“, A couple copies of the art print (16″ x 20”) are still available. Just follow the link below…..


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