
AvondALE Beer Day 2021 beer labels

I recently some new beer labels/branding for “AvondALE Beer Day 2021” which celebrates the city’s local beer scene and recent awarding of “Best Small Town Beer Scene” by USA Today. I was commissioned by the city of Avondale Estates, GA (Atlanta) to work with 3 local breweries and create packaging for a new beer release as well as a commemorative glass.

All the breweries are extremely close and the “Dale Ale Trail” was created as a path connecting them all. Naturally the concept of some kind of fantastical storybook trail came to mind & with a number of folks at the these breweries being metal-heads and with it being close to Halloween I tried to make the overall vibe of the art a bit darker.

Little Cottage Brewery– “Titus & Tamora” – IPA (6.5%)

The Lost Druid Brewery– “The Copper Cauldron” – Amber Ale (5.8%)

Wild Heaven Beer – “Pining” – West Coast Double IPA (8.5%)

If you completed the “Trail” and visited each brewery you were awarded with a special commemorative glass featuring all of the artwork.

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