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New “Hop Head” DC Brau collab T-shirt… available at Crafty Bastard DC



Brand new “Hop Head” shirt created as a collaboration with the fine folks at DC Brau Brewing. It had been a stretch since we worked together and decided to do an exclusive shirt to be released at Crafty Bastards Arts & Craft Fair next weekend (Sept. 24-25th @ Union Market, DC).


The shirt will be available in a few different styles …standard black T, ladies “slouch” shirts & baseball ringers. Starting next weekend I will be selling shirts at the Crafty Bastards Arts & Craft Fair event plus shirts will be available at the brewery. Whatever doesn’t sell out will be available on the DC Brau & Scraped Knee webstores.



The SF Gathering of the Tribes 2015…


The folks at the San Francisco Great Society are throwing the 1st Gathering of the Tribes this weekend on Sunday, Sept. 13 at The Public Works in SF. The event will be a psychedelic celebration with over 12 hrs. of music & art. Including mine. I, along with 4 other artists will have art hanging at the Roll Up Gallery during the event and will possibly be vending (aka. slinging prints baby!!).

Music by:
The Gentle Cycle
The Spiral Electric
Annie Girl & The Flight
Down and Outlaws
Cellar Doors
Down Dirty Shake
The Love Dimension
Mark Nelsen & The Mutiny
Sea Dramas
California Raga Association
Lee Gallagher and the Hallelujah
The Green Door
Carlton Melton
Mystery Flavors
Electric Shepherd
Fifty Foot Hose
The She’s

Visuals by:
White Light Prism – Second floor stage
Mad Alchemy – Main floor stage
Andy Puls – Main floor stage

Art Gallery:
Yasamine June
Galine Tumasyan
Robert Quinn
Doug Rhodes
Matt Leunig

12pm – 12am on Sunday Sept. 13th.
Public Works SF (161 Erie st.)

Gathering of Tribes FB event page
Roll Up Gallery FB event page

The line-up looks nice and there seems to be plenty of visual treats for your earbulbs & eyeholes….

The San Francisco Great Society Presents Gathering of The Tribes from The San Francisco Great Society on Vimeo.


Phil Lesh & Friends at Terrapin Crossroads… 1981′


Tis’ the Summer of the Dead. Along with the big Grateful Dead farewell tour the last couple months, every weekend seems to have a big concert going on. This weekend Phil Lesh & Friends is playing at his club, Terrapin Crossroads in San Rafael. The band has been celebrating a certain year with each performance and incorporating songs & shows from that year into their setlist. Tonight the band celebrates 1981.


When coming up with a concept for this one the band requested I scour the archives of posters, album covers, etc. that were released in 81′. No studio albums came out that year but the epic live album Dead Set did with iconic cover artwork by, Dennis Larkins. I figured this was a great place to start and decided on attempting a homage of that beast of a cover working in a turtle as the Uncle Sam character. It definitely was time consuming and a challenge working in a pretty detailed cityscape.



Over the years I’ve had the privilege of working with almost all of the the members of the Dead individually as well with Furthur and various off-shoots but this was my first time officially working w/ Phil & the folks at Terrapin Crossroads. Great band & a great venue.

The poster is a 5-color 24″ x 18″ print from a 200 print run which will be available at the show. I have a small number of about 20 signed/AP’s available in the store.


