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The Coloring Nook is up and running.


About a year or 2 ago I began printing a limited amount of B&W copies of some of my posters and offering them to those with kids as a way for parents to include them and share in their passion of poster art. The idea was kids could colorful these prints and share photos of their creations. With each new B&W poster I began to receive more and more amazing pictures and began posting them on Facebook, calling the page The Coloring Nook. As the images came in and the page grew I realized that The Coloring Nook needed a proper home and now it has one,.. with a proper gallery, Nook rules on receiving a print and submission info.


I do not print a lot of B&W’s so I try to stress that this is for kids and not eBay-savy collectors and also if you request one that you do plan to actually color it and hopefully send a photo in.

Widespread Panic - VA 2012 & BW

Not every print will have a B&W version in the future as some imagery doesn’t necessarily translate to kids well but previous prints are still available. Feel free to check out the new site for more information. I look forward to seeing all the awesome submissions in the future.

Teagen Stetson (Age 5) - Widespread Panic  Boston, MA - 2014



Eric Church poster for Lexington KY, 2015

Eric Church - Lexington, KY 2015

When given the task of coming up with something for a Lexington, KY show the obvious horserace and other imagery immediately came to mind which seemed really boring. I decided to dwell deeper into the hollers of Kentucky history and explore their love of the drink… Whiskey & particularly Moonshine. Some treat it as a proud history, others not so much but regardless “The Moonshiner” is an interesting subject in Southern Lore. Running from police, making hardcore booze out of nothing and a “I will fuck you up” attitude makes for an interesting poster. Especially for an Eric Church show….

Eric Church Lexington concepts

I started off thinking simpler with more of a focus on an actual aged Whiskey barrel w/ the show info burned into it. Unfortunately for me… simple isn’t my style. I moved on to an idea of an old whiskey runner truck, kind of like in the 20’s, with the driver more of a skeletal figure. But in the end it was to hard to pass up the desire to draw a hardcore ol’ git Moonshiner sitting on his porch, ready to strike.

EC Lexington print

The Lexington, KY poster is 18′ x 24′, 4-color and had a print run of 170. I will have a very limited run of Signed/Numbered prints available the day after the event, Friday, May 8th @ 10AM (PST).




Village Voice’s 4Knots Music Festival 2015

4Knots Music Festival

More and more festivals seem to be popping up every year. Some die off… new ones arise… they can never be killed. I was approached by the Village Voice to do some branding/artwork for their somewhat new but annual event, the 4KNOTS MUSIC FESTIVAL in NYC. Every year it was down at the South Seaport but they are mixing it up this year and will be having it at Pier 84 in Hudson River Park. Bands are still to be announced but I am expecting big things for this one as the show become known as a “grungy/alt-rock” Festival over the years hosting such bands as Dinosaur Jr., Kurt Vile, The Black Angels, & Archers of Loaf.

4Knots concepts

The direction for this year was “Sea meets Land” and the wish was to have a number of sea creatures (crabs, starfish, octopus, etc.) hanging our jamming out w/ a number of lands creatures (squirrels, birds, lizards, etc.). After toying with a number of literal “Sea Creature” concepts which ended up resembling more the Creature from the Black Lagoon,… the Rocktopus was born.


The artwork is to be used for a ton of branding and promo material (website, shirts, tickets, stage banners). It is still early on as the show isn’t until July but once bands are announced there is a good chance we will be doing a limited screenprint for the show as well. All hail the Rocktopus!!!!!!
