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Bottleneck Gallery opening tonight. – “When the Lights Go Out”…

Tonight in Brooklyn, NY the Bottleneck Gallery will be opening up their much hyped “When the Lights Go Out” show which is a collection of prints that…. Glow in the Dark!!!!!!  I’ve worked with Bottleneck before during their HBO themed event last year and am happy to see them striving and continously coming up w/ new interesting themes.   I decided to take a fan-favorite piece and give it the “art print” treatment, stripping it down and making it glow.

The print is called Moon Shiner and is a 5-color print, 16’x 20′ (50 print run). It will be up on my site in a month for purchase but until then it is available on the Bottleneck Gallery website starting tonight.

There really are some amazing pieces in the show so be sure to check out a preview of the work being hung, …via The Poster Apocalypse.


G1988 – “Is This Thing On #2″… GAME ON!!!!!!!

Gallery1988 opened up their brand new Santa Monica gallery w/ a suprise showcase this last weekend. The theme was hush-hush until the opening because it was a good one….. Saturday Night Live!!!!

We were to create a piece based on our favorite SNL sketches or characters. Initially I wanted to do a Chris Farley piece but after some false starts didn’t feel I could do it justice and went w/ my favorite scene from Waynes’s World. And wallah… Garth GAME ON!!!!!

The poster is a 3-color print, 16’x 20′ (50 print run). It will be up on my site in a month for purchase but until then it is available on the G1988 website.

There are lots of other awesome pieces up there,.. so be sure to take a look.


Snoe.Down 2013 shirt now available on MOE. website…

Moe. just added long & short sleeve SNOE.DOWN 2013 shirts of my design to their store. I’m guessing they look fantastic in person,… probably the prettiest thing you would ever own. Be the gem on your block….

Snag em here!!!!!!!!
