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“1986” print is back….. 2nd printing. On sale… THIS WEEKEND!!!!

Ho Ho Ho…. alright Christmas is over. I had tried to get a reprint together of the original Mario-“1986” print to be available for the holidays but due to some complications it slipped past Christmas. Due to the unexpected popularity of the piece the original print run was really small so I decided to do a 2nd printing.

These will be available on Dec. 29th (Sat.), at MIDNIGHT so check back. The print run isn’t too huge, 125 and these will be signed and numbered.


Super Badass Team-Up, Issue #347 …. DC Brau & Scraped Knee

I got some new pals here in DC,… the uber cool folks over at DC Brau beer. I have started on some interesting projects with them as of late including some mural work down at their brewery and some merch and growler designs.

A couple weeks ago I completed the first small mural on their front door which was originally a design used for a skateboard deck I carved out a while back (with a slight DC update). The mural took about 3 or 4 hours,.. a lot of that waiting for spraypaint or acrylic to dry, but not to worry, I was well hydrated.

(click the cans above for “paint process” slideshow)

I also created a design that is to be used for a new T-shirt and growler design which I just got word is done and will be available for sale today (Saturday, Dec. 8th) during their weekly FREE tour & tasting at the brewery and on their website soon.

I got something big in the works with them for next week…. check back for an update.


Inside the Rock Poster Frame free giveaway, … “Beatles” print. Black Friday (today) only!!!!!!!

Inside the Rock Poster Frame is doing one of their big free giveaways today for Black Friziday!!!! On the menu is my “Within You, Without You” Beatles-themed print done last year. It’s a 6-color goodie and free is never bad. Go test your luck.….
