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Dinosaur Jr in DC!!!!!!! New print.

Another band I can now mark of my gigposter bucket list,… Dinosaur Jr!!! I really dig the new album and was psyched to see them coming into town, unfortunately it was a super rush gig but I think it turned out well.

Even if I know I only have a day or 2 to do art I never make it easy on myself and end up going crazy with the detail. This one made the hand hurt as it was also a kind of marathon drawing.

It was a 4-color (18′ x 24′) print, limited to 75 and is now available in the Posters page.


Ernie Ball – Magazine Ad – 2012


Slinky” ad for publication/storefront adverts created for legendary guitar string company Ernie Ball.

They also wanted to do a couple “team shots” of famous guitarists under the Ernie Ball roster (Slash, Paul Gilbert, Steve Vai, Kirk Hammet, Omar Rodriguez Lopez, etc..) as old timey baseball cards, but in the end these ended up not being used.




“1986” pops up on Reddit…

I was alerted today that the 1986 print made the front page of Reddit today. Rad!!!! It already spawned a GIF as well, sent to me by Fern at Daily Dot

A random flood of interest is always good. I dared looking at some of the comments posted and was amused to see to see people taking something that I drew at my drawing table extremely serious and already picking it apart…. “Hey man,. that background color is not the correct shade of blue, do you even play Mario?“,… “TMNT figures weren’t even that popular until 1987, your title is a lie”. Regardless,… one step closer to world domination.
