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TRPS Festival of Rock Posters 2012, San Francisco….

Hey all,.. it’s been a couple years since I did a TRPS show but I will be back in the Bay Area this October for the annual TRPS Festival of Rock Posters in Golden Gate Park (Hall of Flowers), on Saturday, October 13th. I have been doing a lot of posters shows but this one is special because it features a lot of the old school posters artists from the 60’s and old Fillmore-era work that heavily influence me growing up. The initial line up looks great with such greats as Wes Wilson & Lee Conklin, plus more artists are still to come…

Wes Wil­son
Jason Wil­son
Stan­ley Mouse
Lee Con­klin
Chuck Sperry
Vic­tor Moscoso
Den­nis Loren & Cahoots Graph­ics / Blue Moon Posters
Don Ryder
Marq Spusta
Derek John­son
Reg­gie Williams (Straight The­ater)
SF Rock­posters
Dave Hunter
David Singer
Randy Tuten
Paul Imag­ine
Secret Ser­pents
Carl Lund­gren
Ryan Ker­ri­gan
John Bal­las
Paul Getchell
Matt Leu­nig
Perry Pfef­fer
John Seabury
Chris Shaw
Alexan­dra Fis­cher
Gary Hous­ton
Tea Lautrec Litho
Ron Dono­van
Star Shields (The Ora­cle)
John Mavroudis
Pat Ryan
Josh Me
Car­olyn Fer­ris
Eric King
Vince Dugar
Sher­wood Don­ahue
Kris Mikkel­son
Cliff Yamasaki
Sal Dicheira

(flier by Derek Johnson)


My Morning Jacket – Berkeley, CA print…

I was super psyched when I got the call to do a print for the current My Morning Jacket tour, even more so when I realized it would be for the Berkeley, CA stop (Sept. 15th). Last time I did an MMJ print was 4 years ago at the Greek in Berkeley. The latest MMJ album Circuital has been on heavy rotation at the ol’ Matt Cave studio.

I love the eyeball imagery they have been using recently and wanted to do something a bit more cosmic then typical MMJ fare. The Cosmic Sloth came to mind, whilst acting like one with some headphones on listening to the latest record. The original sketch definitely has more of “lovey” light-hearted vibe that I thought could work but it just didn’t translate well once fleshing out the final design. The art actually has been done for 2 months or so and I was getting anxious to finally get it out there…

The print will be available at the show tonight in Berkeley and I will have them for sale on the site after the weekend, on Monday (Sept. 17th).

UPDATE – copies are now for sale in the posters section.


Wire/Game of Thrones mash-up print…

I got asked to do a print for a new gallery opening up this weekend in Brooklyn, the Bottleneck Gallery.  The name of the first show is “More Than You Imagined..”, and is essentially a cable TV themed showcase.  They work with a new charity for each show and in this case it is the Michael J. Fox Foundation.

I wracked my brain on what to do since there are so many good ones… Oz, Eastbound & Down, Mad Men, etc.  I was concepts into doing some crazy Kids in the Hall pieces when I got the idea for this one, mashing up 2 of my favorite shows recently.  Originally it started with the idea I was going to do a print for each family-crest (example… Stringer Bell = Lanisters/Lions,  Avon = Barathians/Stag, etc..) but thought it might be over kill and too much work, so I went with the badass lone dire wolf,…. Omar.

The print is entitled, “It’s All In The Game…”, is 16′ x 20′ (3-colors) and on a tan paper and came out beautifully printed by the folks at Half & Half.  They will be available at the show starting Friday night and on their website Saturday morning.  

Copies are now available in the posters section.

Details for the show are below.  Hopefully the show will go well and good things come of this spot with more interested showcases to come.
