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Beatles-themed “Within You, Without You” print

As I mentioned before I will be in an art show in Milford, CT (Blank Space Gallery) next week entitled “Every Mistake: Art Inspired by Beatles Lyrics“. Point was to choose a set of lyrics or a song and interpret it however you would like. I decided to choose one of my favs, “Within You Without You“. I’m infatuated with all that Bealtes/India era stuff.

5-color… 18′ x 22’… 50 print run + 50 AP’s.

The show is next Friday (Jan. 20th) and I believe prints will be available at the show and probably eventually through the galleries website but I will put my copies up for sale afterwards probably in 3 weeks. Check back, ..I have a feeling these will go pretty fast. Follow me on Facebook or Twitter, .. as I tend to be able update those quicker.

I never realized that Sonic Youth did a cover of this song. “A” for effort but not quite there. There is an Oasis version too, but screw that.

Sonic Youth – Within You, Without You


GoMediaZine’s “Modern Gigposters Design” list.. featuring Mr. Leunig

My Norah Jones print made the GoMediaZine’s “Modern Giposters Design: 100 Stunning Examples” list. Check it out as it is in good company. The list was compiled by  The Wall: Modern Day Music Posters author Tom Booth.


Everyday Mistake: “Art Inspired by Beatles Lyrics” show

I recently got asked to particpate in an upcoming artshow in Milford, CT being put on by the Blank Space Gallery. The theme of the show is Bealtes lyrics and the artists were asked to interpret a set of lyrics any way they wanted. Its an interesting idea and anytime you mess w/ the Beatles there are some die-hard fans out there and some really interesting imagery to mess with. Great lineup of artists too.

“Everyday Mistake: Art Inspired by Beatles lyrics”
Blank Space Gallery
Milford, CT
January 20, 2012

Artists include:
Joshua Budich
A.J. Masthay
James Flames
Nate Duval
John Vogl
Justin Helton
Armando Chainsawhands
Rene Gagnon
Branden Otto
Jay Shaw
Jon Smith
Matt Leunig

I just finished my print and will put it up on the site in a day or so. For updated info on this show… check out their Facebook page.
