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Screens n’ Suds 2011…

I will be taking part in this years Screens n’ Suds event down in Richmond, VA.  Screens n’ Suds is a celebration of screenprinted artwork and beer… 2 things that always go together.  A number of artists including Alan Hynes, Brian Ewing, Doe-Eyed, etc.. …. have created beer themed prints which will be sold to help benefit the National MS Society.

This a 4-color print (16′ x 20′) with a limited run of 50 and is available in the storeRIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!

It’s the first time I’m doing this show, so it should be interesting. There will be a gallery event displaying this years prints as well as a number of variants and art prints and the main event is the next night in which a number of artists including myself will have a table set up selling prints. Below are the events..

Thu Nov 3
S’n’S Print Series Debut
Mekong Restaurant

Fri Nov 4
S’n’S Original Print Show Opening
Gallery 5

Fri Nov 5
The Big Event
Capitol Ale House

There are other beer related events later in the week so check the Screens n’ Suds site for more info. Come swing by… have a beer and say “Hi”. Oh yeh… buy stuff too.


Bruce Hornsby Tour …Boston (The Wilbur) print.

Here is the final print I did for the current Bruce Hornsby & the Noisemakers tour. It was a tiny run but think the 3 prints came out alright.  I worked with a new printer for these and was really happy with the work.  Props to Sara & Nick from The Half and Half printing down in Columbia, SC. As before this run was limited to about 75-80 prints.

I had heard that Bruce was a big basketball fan and wanted to have some fun w/ the last one and try and incorporate it in somehow. Plus Boston is a big bball town (the “bird” reference is obvious). I was told the Celts are not his team so I kept the “green” out of the picture. Below are a couple different color concepts. The design changed a bit and I had to simplify the colors a tad due to constraints but I like how the image came out. I’m toying w/ the idea of making an art print out of it w/ just the fence behind the bird and no text…. couple different ones to represent some NBA teams. If anyone thinks this is a good idea, lemme know. Also, which team colors you might want to see represented.

This is now available in the store for $25.


Bruce Hornsby – Englewood, NJ (9/30) print

This the 2nd in a small run of prints for an Englewood, NJ (9/30) stop on the current Bruce Hornsby & the Noisemakers tour. Ahhhh hobos,… gotta love em’. This print is a 4-color, and had a limited run of about 75-80 prints.

The idea was to have the guy on the train kind of oblivious to his busy surroundings and have him gazing into a locket containing faces. Here is a closer look…

This is now available in the store for $25.
