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Sk8 or Die skateboard process….

A couple months ago I was asked to be a part of the upcoming “Sk8 or Die: V” art show at the Youngblood Gallery in Atlanta, GA. It is a bi-annual show in which a number of artists are given blank skateboard decks they must design. This is the process for the board I made.

Board concept
Early concept sketch for board. Kind of a bearded warlock idea. From this I figured the board would need to be carved at the bottom for the beard and additional wood flaps would need to be added to create the cloak effect.

board beginning
The beginning: board + saws = Yeah Yuh!!!!!!!!

cutting start
I add in the jig saw and start getting the tips all finished and clean.

cut close-up
Close up of cutting path.

final wood cut
This is the final wood work… all cut and sanded down including narrowing the top of the board to help push the cloak effect and adding 2 pieces of wood for the sides.

gesso added
A couple layers of gesso added for a base coat as well as including ping-pong balls cut in half for eyes.

gesso + clay
After gluing the eyeballs and pieces together w/ wood glue I added molding clay to smooth everything out where the pieces met.

1st pass color
1st pass of color

2nd pass color
Addition of some more color and little shading and linework.

1st pass line work
1st pass of black outlines.

final board
Final board with addition of final detailed linework & a bit of a glossy finish. (Arm provided by the lovely Kristin).

I had to rush a bit with the painting and wasn’t happy with how everything worked out but I did enjoy the woodwork. May have to start doing more of that. The blue hood turned out darker than I had hoped deadening the cloak effect a bit and the clay contionously provided some cracking during painting…. but overall, not bad.


Bandwagon poster show (Savannah) recap…

I just wanted to post some pics of the Bandwagon poster show that took place in Savannah (April 15-17th). This was its inaugural year and was in conjunction with the yearly record show. Overall I’d say good stuff. People were nice… sales were slow at first but picked up, plus it was a great excuse to hang out in Savannah. There was some live screenprinting demos going on and lectures. I didn’t get to take pics of everyones booth but got to meet a bunch of good people…

Band Wagon sign

Shirt press

Poster press

Dis guy
This guy’…

Lou's lineup

Us & Them
The Us & Them duo out of Columbia, SC.

Half & Half
Half & Half crew also reppin’ Columbia, SC.

Two Arms Inc
Two Arms Inc of Brooklyn, NY.

Guy Burwell lineup
Guy Burwell came cross-country from Portland, OR.

Methane Studios lineup
Methane Studios, local lads from Atlanta, GA.

Nate Duval
Nate Duval outta Boston, MA.

Nate's lineup

Thanks to Charlie and crew for putting this together…. looking forward to next year.


Ween @ Athens, GA print.. sans Weenis

I just wrapped up a print for the upcoming Ween show in Athens, GA (40 Watt Club) and boy are my arms tired… eh? It has been a while since I worked with Ween and wanted to do something special. When I was first starting out living in Berkeley, I was able to work w/ them in 2004 on a poster. It was a crappy digital print and a small print run. Talking with the management we decided to redo it and give it a proper pimped out screenprinted treatment. Wallah….

18′ x 24′ screenprint, … 4 colors…. print run of 150.

Here is the original from back in za’ day in all its glory. I decided to cover up the demons “weenis” in the updated version. No real reason.. .other than the fact probably more people would be into hanging a poster without a pair of c & b’s on the wall.

Ween 2004

Print is for sale in Poster section.   I will probably add some process photos up later this week.
