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I am a Dodo….

Here is a print I did for The Dodos who played The Fillmore last night, but unfortunately this is not what the final print was supposed to look like. It’s never happened before but I screwed this one up. When delivering the file to the printers the background layer was accidently turned off right before it was saved and sent. Lame.

Dodos poster 2011

Here is the original… w/ background. Not that huge a difference but a bummer none the less. Rush gigs are killin’ me.

original Dodos poster 2011


Furthur shirt,… 2011 Tour – Florida.

New shirt for Furthur for their 2011 Tour. Available starting their Florida stops (April 5th & 6th)

Furthur shirt Florida rack


Furthur print… Atlanta, GA. Peachy Terrapins.

Hey All…. Alot of the stuff I have been working on is finally coming to fruition. This includes a new print for Furthur (Grateful Dead) who are playing on April 3rd, in Atlanta, GA.

I worked with Good Thoughts in Colorado to print it and the registration looks TIGHT!!! Almost like a digital print its so clean. 

Print is for sale in Poster section.

Not only that but a t-shirt will be available at the show as well. I dont know if it will be up on the Futhur site or not, so if you are in Atlanta, grab em’ while you can.

Furthur ATL shirt
