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Tarantino vs. Coen Bros Show: “Terrence the Destroyer” print

Tarintino vs. Coen flier

I recently finished a new print for an art show, “Tarantino vs. Coen Bros” in New York put on by “Spoke Art”.  All pieces in the show represent something  from either a Coen Bros film or Quentin Taratino film, so I chose to do one of my favs, “Raising Arizona“.  Its odd… when trying to think of movies to pull from, with all the badass Coen Bros & Tarantino stuff out there, this was the only one that I could think of doing.  If you haven’t seen it… DO IT!!!  Nicholas Cage before he went mental.

click image for detail    ……… 18′ x 24′ screenprint, … 4 colors…. print run of 60.

The print is called “Terrence the Destoyer” and represents Tex Cobb the Biker as a kind of Shiva-like figure from a Hindu tapestry carrying the quintuplets.   It will be available at the show and eventually on this site down the line. 

For more on the show check out the Spoke Art Facebook page & here is a preview with some of the other pieces in the show.  Wish I could make it up to NYC, but if you are in the city… go check it out and pretend you like mine the best in front of everyone.

Front door

This is the first print I have done here in Atlanta since moving here and I ended up working with local printer, Danger Press.  Guys are tops. 

Paint Wall

Paint Wall 2

I went to the shop and worked with Ed, Chris & the rest the Danger Krew to help pull screens and what ever else needed, mainly hoping to get more hands on experience with my own prints. The space is massive and size of the printer is pretty insane.

Danger Press

Danger Press 2

Danger Press 3

Cleaning up

4 colors


Final in rack

My name dummy


Cake poster… 4 day run @ The Fillmore

Here is the latest print done for The Fillmore.  It is for the band Cake who are still going strong and is for a 4-day run of shows this week.  It was a tough one that ended up being a rush job, last second and led to a lot of back and forth.  Unfortunately, I wont be able to make this show.  These guys are pretty badass live… 

  Cake @ The Fillmore


Cake @ The Fillmore


Pollstar Live 2011 Poster contest winner… 3rd place!!!!! (Norah Jones)

Pollstar banner

Hell yeah!!!!… I was just informed that my Norah Jones poster got 3rd place in the Pollstar Live 2011 “Poster of the Year” contest.  Poster artist, Emek, won both 1st and 2nd place.  To be up there in the same echealon as Emek is okay by me. 
Pollstar Live poster contest

Pollstar contest consists of hundreds of posters sent in by promoters & venues upon which they are witled down to 60.  During the Pollstar show these are voted upon by promoters, venue management, agents, and other music industry professionals and the winners announced that week.  I didn’t even know that Nederlander had sent it in.  Good stuff.
