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Primus New Years 2010 poster contest

Contest title

Hey all… I have a new contest for all you Primus fans out there or just fans of this print. I will be giving away a free print… what the F?? Yep.. I will be sending out a brand new New Years (Oakland/Fox Theater) print to the biggest Primus fan out there. This poster is made up of various Primus references from lyrics, music videos, etc.. person who can name the most, wins. It’s that simple.Primus


  1. Click on the image below to see a close up of the artwork.  Also included is an image with various elements numbered.
  2. Send me an email at scrapedknee@gmail.com with your answers.
  3. Winner with the most correct answers by the deadline wins…. which is Friday, January 28th.
  4. If you don’t win or just want the print without the contest, it is available for purchase here

    18′ x 22’… 5-color screenprint… click to see details

    Let’s see what you got…

    Update: Contest Closed!!!
      The winner is…
    JEFF MACDONALD from Ontario, CAN



Primus New Years print!!!

Printing just finished on my latest poster for Primus!!!

They are doing a 2 night show at the Fox Theatre in Oakland for New Years and I wanted to try and do something special for Primus fans. The image is comprised of characters that are references to Primus song lyrics, album art work, music videos, etc. Took a while to get it all down but was fun going back and pulling out the ol’ Primus albums to do the research. Take a look and see how many you can get.

Click to see detailed image

Day-glo colors baby… print will be available in the store after New Years.


Gene Ween & Blackberry Belles poster/flier…

Here is new art I threw together for the Blackberry Belles. This is not an official Gene Ween poster and will not be screenprinted so dont ask to buy it or send me hate mail that its not “official”.  It is a promotional flier that was commissioned and for online and pre-show promo use (aka digital prints hung up around town).  Show is at the Black Cat in DC. Regardless, sure to be a killer show… wish I was there.

Gene Ween / Blackberry Belles show
