
Modest Mouse / Brand New poster for UC Berkeley Greek Theatre


Modest Mouse is a band I remember listening to a lot when I was in college and afterwards when I moved to San Francisco they were at the height of their popularity, they were everywhere, then they just disappeared.

After a hiatus of 8 or so years they are back on tour with a new album touring with NYC’s Brand New and played the Berkeley Greek this past weekend. I am very happy to have been given the opportunity to work with the promoter to do a poster for this show and will be releasing a small run of Artist Prints today.


The idea was to do a tripped out Spirit Animal emphasizing the Oregon roots of the band (Modest Mouse)….. Woods, nature, greenery, deers, hoodies.. the works. I love working face paint into characters mainly an aesthetic choice and gives things a bit of a mystic feel to them but in the end it seemed to muddy up the already busy character. So that element was dropped from the final version.



This 6-color print is 18′ x 24 with a print run of 400 and I will have a small run of 40 Artist Prints (signed/AP) available on Monday, August 1st @ 11AM (PST).

5 Comments on “Modest Mouse / Brand New poster for UC Berkeley Greek Theatre

  1.  by  Rich

    Are there prints still available for sale? Please email me if possible. Thank you!

  2.  by  Gordon Smith

    Would you be okay if I had this dine as a tattoo!m? It’s my favorite MM poster by far.

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