
Secret Agent 23 Skidoo, “Wake Up the Dream” album art…

I was recently approached by Grammy-award winning kids musician, Secret Agent 23 Skidoo to do the layout and artwork for his latest album, Wake Up the Dream. Kids music is a new genre for me but the album was an interesting mix of hiphop, funk & Motown all swirled around with life instrumentation from a collective of over 40 musicians. I liked the vibe and the message that he was promoting and was all about being a part of it.

The album itself is kind of a concept album in with all the songs touching on the theme of “dreaming“. Each song tells a story and DJ’s Uncle Unk (Unconscious) & Sub C (Subconscious) broadcast in-between songs from WREM Sleep Radio. All of this fed the direction of the artwork which was to be something dreamy & vivid. It started off a bit more literal, eventually morphing into a kind of Sleep totem and finally landing on a kind of Nocturnal Owl, sleep spirit.

Wake Up the Dream is available now through Amazon Music…

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