
Ween – Oakland 2021 poster

I’ve been a big Ween fan since high school and often have them blaring in the studio throughout the day. They were my first screenprinted poster in 2006 and Ive been lucky to do some a few for the band over the years. So it brings me great joy & sadness (because Im not in Oakland to see them) to show my latest print for the bands 2-night stint at The Fox Theater in Oakland, CA.

It’s a simpler color palette than I usually roll with for the band but I thought it was fitting for the concept & I tried to work in a slew of Ween references to keep ya lookin’.

Prints are 18′ x 24′ and printed by the print kings of the Bay Area, Monolith Press. This is promoter print given to folks backstage (the band, staff) and was not available at the merch table. I will be selling my Artist Edtion, run of 50, available Nov. 11 @ Noon (EST).

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